Guide To Amish Wedding Foods [+Amish Wedding Steak Recipe]

amish wedding foods steak recipe

Amish weddings are renowned for their simplicity, yet Amish wedding foods are anything but ordinary. Different from western culture, Amish culture, and wedding foods offer a window into a community, family, and the hands-on approach to culinary delights. In this guide, not only will we explore the flavors that make up an Amish wedding feast, but we’ll also share with you an authentic Amish Wedding Steak recipe, allowing you to bring a taste of Amish foods right into your kitchen!

The Role Of Food In Amish Weddings

amish wedding food steak

Food plays a pivotal role in Amish wedding celebration, serving as a symbol of fellowship, abundance, and the communal efforts that define Amish life. The preparation of the wedding feast is a testament to the community’s values of hard work, cooperation, and hospitality.

For Amish communities that do not follow the agrarian calendar, weddings are held in the spring or summer months. However, for most Amish wedding season is after the harvest in late September.

Days before the wedding ceremony, Amish families and friends (typically Amish women) come together in a display of communal effort and prepare foods that have been passed down through generations. Kitchens become hives of activity, filled with the aroma of freshly baked bread, pies, and the signature Amish Wedding Steak. This collaborative endeavor not only ensures a feast that can feed hundreds of guests (sometimes thousands) but also reinforces the bonds within Amish communities.

Amish Wedding Food Menu

amish-wedding-foods-steak-recipe-roast chicken mashed potatoes

At an Amish wedding, there’s a large lunch and also a dinner later in the day. Guests eat in turns, starting with the newlywed couple, and their families. The foods served are traditional, hearty, and made from recipes passed down through generations. Here’s an overview of the traditional foods typically served at the main Amish wedding meal:

1. Amish Wedding Chicken

Typically the main meal of the day, this chicken roast is seasoned with herbs and spices that have been a part of Amish traditions for generations.

2. Mashed Potatoes

Hearty and comforting, Amish wedding foods often feature mashed potatoes as a side.

3. Stuffing or Dressing

Made from homemade bread, onions, celery, and traditional spices, these side dishes complements the chicken and mashed potatoes, adding depth to the meal.

4. Amish Wedding Steak

This unique Amish wedding food made from ground beef, seasoned and cooked to create flavorful, meat patties, goes great with mashed potatoes and beans.

5. Celery

Celery is a big part of Amish weddings and more than just a food. Sometimes, the Amish use them in place of flowers in vases. Creamed celery is a dish most often seen, along with celery-based stuffing.

6. Homemade Bread or Rolls

Freshly baked and often slathered with homemade butter, bread or rolls are often seen at weddings are a testament to the Amish dedication to homemade food.

7. Pepperslaw

Pepperslaw, a twist on coleslaw is a staple Amish wedding food.

8. Noodles

Homemade noodles often served with butter are also common in an Amish wedding dinner.

9. Desserts

Pies are served after the main food menu at Amish weddings, with apple, cherry, peach, and shoofly pie being popular choices along with homemade cookies.

10. Beverages

Typically, Amish weddings offer coffee, tea, and lemonade.

Amish Wedding Steak Recipe


Amish Wedding Steak is a dish steeped in tradition and beloved for its hearty flavor, communal spirit and an economical food item to serve hundreds of guests. While recipes can vary from one Amish community to another, the essence of the dish—a tender, flavorful meat course, often made with simple, wholesome ingredients—remains consistent. Below is an easy-to-follow recipe for making Amish Wedding Steak, designed to bring a taste of this unique meal into your home for special occasions.

Easy Amish Wedding Steak Recipe


  • 2 lbs ground beef (preferably lean)
  • 1 cup crackers (preferably soda crackers)
  • 1 medium onion, finely chopped
  • 2 eggs, beaten
  • 1/2 cup milk
  • 2 teaspoons salt
  • 1 teaspoon black pepper
  • 1 cans (10.75 oz each) of condensed cream of mushroom soup
  • 1 1/2 cup water
  • 1 cup sliced mushrooms (canned is okay too)
  • 1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce
  • 1/2 cup all-purpose flour
  • 2 TBSP butter


  1. In a large mixing bowl, combine the ground beef, crackers, finely chopped onion, beaten eggs, milk, salt, and black pepper. Mix the ingredients thoroughly until well combined.
  2. Transfer the beef mixture into a loaf pan or shape it into a loaf on a baking sheet and set overnight.
  3. When you’re ready, preheat oven to 350°F (175°C).
  4. In a separate bowl, mix the condensed cream of mushroom soup, water, Worcestershire sauce, and mushrooms.
  5. Cut the loaf into serving-size squares, cover in flour, and brown on both sides in butter.
  6. Place in a baking dish and cover in the sauce mixture evenly
  7. Place the meatloaf in the preheated oven and bake for about 1 hour, or until the meat is thoroughly cooked and reaches an internal temperature of 160°F (71°C).
  8. Once baked, serve the slices with the reserved sauce warmed up and poured over the top or on the side.

This Amish Wedding Steak recipe is a celebration of simple ingredients coming together to create a dish that’s both satisfying and representative of the Amish community’s culinary traditions. It’s perfect for whenever you want to bring a taste of Amish hospitality to your dining table!

Concluding Thoughts On Amish Wedding Foods:

From the communal breakfasts to the hearty main meals, it’s clear that Amish wedding foods are much more than just sustenance. They are a reflection of the Amish community’s way of life—simplicity, hard work, and togetherness. Each recipe passed down through generations, is a testament to the enduring power of tradition and the role of food in bringing people together.

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