33 Wedding Vow Examples And Love Poems To Inspire Your Vows


One of the most touching and memorable parts of your wedding day is the exchange of vows, where you and your partner declare your love and commitment to each other in front of your family and friends. But finding the right words to express such deep emotions can be challenging. In this blog post, we’re going over 20 traditional wedding vows and 13 lines from books of poetry that are sure to make everyone cry. So, grab a tissue and prepare to be moved as you explore these beautiful wedding vow examples that will help you speak from the heart on your special day.

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The Evolution of Wedding Vows

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Wedding vows have been an integral part of marriage ceremonies for centuries. In ancient Rome, weddings were typically arranged by families and the vows exchanged were simple declarations of intent. These vows were more about the legal commitment to join families and manage property rather than personal expressions of love.

Over time, especially in medieval Christian Europe, vows became more formalized. These vows included promises to love, honor, and cherish each other, reflecting the Christian values of mutual support and fidelity. The vows from the Book of Common Prayer in 1549 influenced many traditional vows used today.

In the 20th century, as societal norms around marriage began to change, so did wedding vows. The shift towards more personal and individualized expressions of love and commitment became more common. This trend towards personalization has continued to grow, with many couples today choosing to write vows that include references to their shared experiences, future dreams, and personal promises.

13 Lines From Love Poems To Use In Your Wedding Vows

Wedding Vow Books. Custom Vow Books Set of 2
Wedding Vow Books. Custom Vow Books Set of 2 Via Etsy.com | $32.95+

1. Lvoe- Atticus

“No matter what happens to us
from now
until the end
I want you to know
that I am certain of you
and you can be certain of that.”

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2. Your Sun Will Rise Again – Jess Norris

“If anyone asked me about love,
I’d tell them about you.
I’d tell them how it feels to be nurtured
And cared for
Without condition.
I’d tell them how you look at me with sparkling eyes,
A constant smile on your face,
And the overwhelming sense of certainty.
I’d tell them how love can be safe,
And warm,
And easy.
I’d tell them that love is worth it.
That there’s nothing more beautiful than letting love in.

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3. The Lavender Haze – June Bates

“it wasn’t exactly
love at first sight
but it was something
like that.
the first time we spoke,
i felt it.
an ache.
like a little electric burn.
i felt my life change.

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4. Evolution Of Awareness- Kia Marlene

“i want to talk to you
and hear about your day
i want to listen to your heart
while on your chest i lay
i want to interlock hands
kiss your lips
and whisper into your ear
to tell you that i’ve got you, always
i want you to know that i won’t leave you during this lifetime
or the next

because i intend for our souls to never part ways

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5. Love Poems I Wrote While You Were Asleep – Rowan Everly

“i confess,
commitment used to scare me.
since i’ve met you,
i’m willing to give you every inch of my heart;
i confess,
i love you.
i plan on loving you forever.
through trials,”

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6. Nightmares And Daydreams

“there’s nothing I wouldn’t
go through again

if it meant I’d always
find you in the end”

7. Love and Wine – Alex Diaz

if the day we met
would have never taken place,
in another day,
we would have met
and fallen in love
like the first day.”

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8. I Gave Myself The World – Catarine Hancock

“you were the first person
i felt both wildly unsure
and unwaveringly certain of.

that was the scariest part
about falling for you:
the fact that i had no idea
what i was doing,
but at the same time,
i knew exactly why
i had to.”

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9. She Is The Poem- June Bates

“I never feel like I’m
wasting time
with you.

We could sit
in silence for hours
and it would still feel
so full
and good
and necessary.

I’m so thankful for you.”

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10. Words You Never Thought You’d Hear – Rhiannon Janae

“you have opened my world
to promises
that don’t break,
and flowers
that won’t rot.

you have shown me
that love should be calm,
and that butterflies can flutter
inside us with no ache.

that growth can be shared
and not stolen.

you have shown me
what love is supposed to feel like.

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11. Starlit Dreams – Bella Karad

“you’re my first.

and i don’t mean my first kiss,
or my first relationship,
or my first i love you.

you’re the first person
who makes me feel like i’m enough
and the first one to show me
what i love you actually means.

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12. Sincerely – F. S. Yousaf

“I was told
That the feelings would die down.
But here I am,
Excited for every new day
I get to spend with you.”

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13. Harmony – Whitney Hanson

“i like being alone
but that is why i knew you were different
because for the first time ever
i wanted someone else’s company
more than my own”

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20 Classic And Traditional Wedding Vow Examples

OILED Wedding Vow Book Set Of 2
OILED Wedding Vow Book Set Of 2 Via Etsy.com | $38.00+

1. “From the moment I met you, I knew my heart was home. I vow to cherish, support, and love you every day, to be your partner in all things, and to grow old with you with joy and laughter.”

2. “I promise to always see the best in you, to encourage your dreams, and to be your unwavering support. I vow to love you more each day, and to always hold your hand through life’s journey.”

3. “I vow to love you not only for who you are but for who I become when I am with you. You are my best friend, my confidant, and my greatest adventure.”

4. “I promise to be your safe haven, your biggest fan, and your most loyal partner. I will stand by your side through all of life’s challenges and celebrate all of its joys with you.”

5. “I vow to be your rock, your comfort, and your constant. I promise to love you with all my heart and to walk this path with you, hand in hand, forever.”

6. “I promise to laugh with you in moments of joy and comfort you in times of sorrow. I vow to cherish every moment we share and to make our love my priority every day.”

7. “I vow to always be honest with you, to always appreciate you, and to always love you. I promise to be your partner in all things and to build a life full of love and happiness with you.”

8. “I promise to be patient, kind, and understanding. I vow to always communicate openly with you, to listen to you, and to support you in all that you do.”

9. “I vow to love you unconditionally, to support your dreams, and to always be there for you. You are my love, my life, and my home.”

10. “I promise to be your constant, your confidant, and your biggest supporter. I vow to love you with a love that is true, steadfast, and unending.”

11. “I vow to stand by you in times of joy and sorrow, to laugh with you, to cry with you, and to grow with you. I promise to love you more each day, forever and always.”

12. “I promise to always be there for you, to support you in all your endeavors, and to love you with all my heart. I vow to cherish you and to always make you my priority.”

13. “I vow to always be your partner in crime, your biggest cheerleader, and your most faithful companion. I promise to love you unconditionally and to build a beautiful life together.”

14. “I promise to love you for who you are and for who you will become. I vow to always be there for you, to support you, and to love you more each day.”

15. “I vow to always hold you close, to comfort you, and to celebrate with you. I promise to love you with all my heart and to be your partner in all things.”

16. “I promise to be your rock, your shelter, and your biggest supporter. I vow to love you with a love that is true, deep, and everlasting.”

17. “I vow to always see the best in you, to encourage your dreams, and to be your unwavering support. I promise to love you more each day and to cherish every moment we share.”

18. “I promise to be your partner, your confidant, and your best friend. I vow to love you unconditionally, to support you in all that you do, and to build a life full of love and happiness with you.”

19. “I vow to always be patient with you, to always appreciate you, and to always love you. I promise to be your partner in all things and to cherish every moment we share.”

20. “I promise to love you with all my heart, to support you in all that you do, and to always be there for you. I vow to cherish you, respect you, and to always make our love my number one priority.”

Tips for Writing Heartfelt Wedding Vows


Start Early

Begin writing your vows well in advance of the wedding day. This gives you plenty of time to think, draft, and revise your words without feeling rushed. Early preparation helps ensure that your vows are thoughtful and well-crafted.

Be Authentic

Write from the heart and be true to yourself. Authentic vows are genuine and sincere, resonating more deeply with your partner and your guests. Avoid clichés and speak in your own voice to make your vows truly personal.

Reflect on Your Relationship

Think about the key moments that define your relationship. Consider the times you’ve shared joy, faced challenges, and supported each other. Use these reflections to highlight the depth of your bond and the promises you want to make for the future.

Prompts to consider:

  • What was your first impression of your partner?
  • What are the most significant experiences you’ve shared?
  • How has your partner supported you during difficult times?
  • What are your hopes and dreams for your future together?

Keep It Concise

Aim to be meaningful without being overly long. Focus on the core promises and sentiments you want to express. This ensures your vows are impactful and keeps the ceremony engaging for your guests.


  • Limit your vows to about 1-2 minutes each.
  • Use clear and simple language.
  • Avoid long-winded stories; keep it focused on key points.

Practice Aloud

Rehearse your vows several times to ensure smooth delivery. Practicing aloud helps you get comfortable with the words and the emotions they evoke. It also helps you gauge the timing and make any necessary adjustments.

Following these tips can help you create heartfelt, personal wedding vows that resonate deeply with your partner and everyone present at your ceremony.

Concluding Thoughts: Crafting your wedding vows is a beautiful opportunity to express your love and commitment in a deeply personal way. The 33 wedding vow examples and love poems provided in this post are designed to inspire you, helping you find the perfect words to convey your feelings. Whether you choose to use a traditional vow, a romantic poem, or a personalized statement, the key is to speak from the heart. Let these examples guide you in creating vows that will make your ceremony unforgettable and leave your guests talking about it for years to come!

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